Domino’s Suppliers to Domino’s distribution center
Domino’s suppliers use two types of trucks within the supply chain. To ship flour and tomato sauce Domino’s suppliers utilize 53’ standard rig trucks. To ship cheese, Domino’s supplier utilizes refrigerated 53’ rig trucks. Suppliers make bi-weekly trips to restock distribution centers. Each trip is a direct route allowing trucks to be filled to capacity. Ingredients are always shipped in boxes stacked on 4’ x 4’x 6” pallets. Pallets are stacked to a maximum height of 4’. Distribution centers must order full boxes but full pallets or trucks are not required. Suppliers charge for both the boxes of ingredients being shipped and for each delivery regardless of how much is delivered.
Table 4: Standard Supplier Truck Specifications [21, 29]
Distribution Center-Domino’s Store
Domino’s utilizes 40’ refrigerated delivery trucks to supply pizza ingredients to the stores. Dough trays are stacked on 32’x 3’x 6’ racks divided into 4-bin compartments. The boxes for cheese, tomato sauce and thin crust bread are shipped stacked on 4’ x 4’x6” pallets. Pallets are stacked to maximum height of 4 ft. In each delivery, 6 pallets are reserved for boxes of toppings, and other restaurant consumables sold to the stores.
Rules for Trackers
Domino’s has five main truck rules every Domino’s tracker must follow. These rules listed in table 5 encompass government safety regulations and Domino’s supply chain delivery requirements. The delivery rules listed below all relates to safety.
Truck drivers follow different rules listed hereunder:
Table 5: Truck driver rules
Transportation cost
Figure 14: Regional division of United States [18]
The average marginal cost per mile has been divided to match the United States regional map published by US Department of Commerce Census Economics and Statistics Administration, U.S. Census Bureau. The average marginal Cost per mile for each region in United States is adapted from “An Analysis of the Operational Costs of Trucking: A 2014 Update” [15].
Table 6: Marginal cost of transportation per mile [15]