Develop a web scraper to acquire the address, latitude, and longitude of all Domino stores within the continental US.
Using any mapping API, Identify driving distances and times between suppliers and distribution centers.
Based on the data provided in this case study and store data obtained in problem #1, determine the assignment of stores to distribution centers to meet demands of the stores at minimum transportation cost?
How do you assign Domino’s distribution centers to the 38 Ardent mills to order flour at minimize cost and meet flour demand?
Students deliverables
- Students will submit web Scraper python code
- Students will submit SQL script used to analyze the big demand data
- Student will submit distance and time finder python code.
- Students are required to submit softcopy of solution supported by graphical representation for store assignment and supplier assignment problems.
** All student deliverables requirement may change depending upon Professor Charbonneau teaching objective.