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Chadwick F. Alger is Mershon Professor of Political Science and Public Policy Emeritus, The Ohio State University.  He has published widely on peace, on  the UN system,  and on local-global relations. His most recent publication is The United Nations System: Potential for the Twenty-first Century, UN University Press, 1998. He has served as Secretary General of the International Peace Research Association (1983-1987), and President of the International Studies Association (1978-1979).

Gabriela Kütting is a lecturer in International Relations at the University of Aberdeen. She specialises in the International Relations/International Political Economy of the environment.

Paul Saurette is a Ph.D. candidate at the Johns Hopkins University.  He also holds graduate degrees from the London School of Economics and York University, Toronto, Canada.  He studies political theory with an interest in its use in mainstream and critical International Relations Theory.  He has also published an article entitled "I Mistrust All Systematizers and Avoid Them: Nietzsche, Arendt and the Will to Order in International Relations Theory" in Millennium: Journal of International Studies.

Andreas Behnke teaches International Politics at the Political Science Department, Stockholm University.  His research interests include Theories of International Relations, Critical Security Studies and Political Geography.  E-mail: andreas.behnke@statsvet.su.se

J. Martin Rochester is Professor of Political Science and a Fellow in the Center for International Studies at the University of Missouri-St. Louis where he has taught since 1972 after receiving his Ph.D. in political science from Syracuse University.  He has served as Chairperson of the Political Science Department at UM-St. Louis and teaches courses in international politics, international organization and law, and U.S. foreign policy.  He has authored several books including Waiting for the Millennium: The United Nations and the Future of World Order, and has published articles in many scholarly journals.  He was one of the founders of the Consortium for International Studies Education and was project director of CISE's International Studies Learning Package project funded by the National Science Foundation, which was designed to develop and disseminate innovative educational materials combining the latest advances in both scholarly research and instructional technology.  He has been president of the International Studies Association (Midwest).

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