Jacob Bercovitch is Professor of International Relations and Co-ordinator of the Diplomacy Programme at the University of Canterbury New Zealand. He is the author and editor of eight books on international relations and international conflict. Professor Bercovitch has published close to 100 articles and book chapters which have appeared in most major journals.
Yaacov Bar-Siman-Tov is Giancarlo Elia Valori Professor of International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Director of the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations and The Swiss Center for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution. He is the author of many articles, five books and editor and co-editor of three books. Among them: Stable Peace Among Nations (2000) and From Conflict Resolution to Reconciliation (forthcoming).
Charles-Philippe David is Raoul Dandurand Chair of Strategic and Diplomatic Studies, as well as Professor of Political Science, at Université du Québec à Montréal. He is a 2002-2003 Fulbright Fellow, Visiting Professor in Political Science at Duke University (Fall 2002) and Visiting Scholar at the Canada Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington (Winter 2003). His main areas of research are American foreign and defense policies as well as strategic and security studies.
Frédéric Ramel was a post-doctoral researcher at the Raoul Dandurand Chair of Strategic and Diplomatic Studies in 2000-2001 and is currently Political Science Lecturer at Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Lyon, France. His main areas of research are international relations theory and French, European, foreign policies.
Brandon C. Prins is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of New Orleans. He has recently published articles in Journal of Peace Research, International Studies Quarterly, International Interactions, Presidential Studies Quarterly, and Congress and the Presidency. His current research interests include U.S. and comparative foreign policy, inter-state conflict, and congressional-executive relations.
Bo Petersson is Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer at the Department
of Political Science, Lund University. His special areas of interest include
identity constructions, boundary dynamics, stereotyping, nationalism and xenophobia,
and developments in these fields within the European Union states, Russia, and
Central Asia. His most recent publications include National Self-Images and
Regional Identities in Russia (2001) and a volume, edited together with Eric
Clark, on Identity Dynamics and the Construction of Boundaries (2003).