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Johannes "Jannie" Botes is an Assistant Professor teaching in the Negotiation and Conflict Management Program at the University of Baltimore (UB). His main areas of academic interest are communication and conflict (focusing on the role of the media in international conflict and conflict resolution), conflict transformation, informal third party roles, and conflict resolution in Africa.

Sean Byrne is Director of Doctoral Program, Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Nova Southeastern University (Ft. Lauderdale, USA). He has done conflict intervention work in communities in Bosnia, Israel, South Africa and Northern Ireland. His research interests include the areas of third party intervention, ethnic conflict, and youth and conflict. He is also the author of Growing Up in a Divided Society: The Influence of Conflict on Belfast Schoolchildren (1997), and coeditor with Cynthia Irvin of Reconcilable Differences: Turning Points in Ethnopolitical Conflicts (2000). Dr. Byrne is co-chair and board member of the National Coalition in Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution (NCPCR).

Ineke van der Valk is a researcher in Discourse Studies at the University of Amsterdam. She participated in an international research project in which the discourse on immigration in 7 EU countries was examined (see the edited volume of R. Wodak and T.A. van Dijk 2000 Racism at the Top, Klagenfurt, Passagenverlag). She also published a book on the history of the migrant movement in the Netherlands. Her research interests include immigration, racism, ethnicity, migrants' movements, politics, right-extremism, the Netherlands, France and Morocco.

Birgit Brock-Utne is a professor at the Institute for Educational Research at the University of Oslo. She has been a researcher at PRIO (the Peace Research Institute of Oslo). In the years 1987-1992 she worked as a professor at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. She is currently the project manager of NETREED--a Norwegian based network of researchers and evaluators within the field of education and development.

Cheng-Feng Shih is Associate Professor of Political Science at Tamkang University. He is a council member of the International Peace Research Association. His main research interests are peace studies, ethnic politics, nationalism, party politics, electoral system, and economic development in Taiwan. He is the author of seven books and editor/coeditor of fourteen books in Taiwanese.


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