Spring/Summer 2002
ISSN 1085-7494
Volume 7, Number 1


Author's Information



The Dalai Lama

The Global Community and the Need for Universal Responsibility


Jeffrey Pickering

A Zone of Turmoil? Mapping Belligerent

Military Force across Subsystems, 1946-1996


Hideaki Shinoda

Peace-Building by the Rule of Law:
An Examination of Intervention in the Form of International Tribunals


Hossain B. Danesh and Roshan Danesh

Has Conflict Resolution Grown Up?
Toward a Developmental Model of Decision Making and Conflict Resolution



Peace Building in South Africa


J. R. Midgley

Guests Overstaying Their Welcome:
The Demise of the Peace Accord Structures in South Africa

Cheryl de la Rey and Susan McKay

Peace as a Gendered Process:
Perspectives of Women Doing Peacebuilding in South Africa



Book Reviews


Peace Studies from a Global Perspective: Human Needs in a Cooperative World

Edited by Ursula Oswald Spring
Reviewed by Elise Boulding


Global Environmental Policies: Institutions and Procedures

Edited by Ho-Won Jeong
Reviewed by Klaus Töpfer