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John W. Burton had a distinguished diplomatic career before moving to academia, during which time he was a member of the Australian delegation to the 1944-45 San Francisco Conference to set up the United Nations; Permanent Head of the Australian Diplomatic Service between 1945 and 1950; and Australian High Commissioner in Ceylon. He has held academic appointments at Australian National University, University College, London, the University of Kent at Canterbury, the University of South Carolina, the University of Maryland and George Mason University in Virginia. Among his many publications in the fields of international relations and conflict studies have been the four volume Conflict series (1990) and, most recently, Violence Explained (1997).

David J. Dunn was educated at University College, London, Lehigh University and the London School of Economics. He is currently a Research Fellow and Tutor in International Relations in the School of Politics, International Relations and Environment at Keele University, as well as holding appointments at the University of Birmingham and Staffordshire University. Before this, he taught International Relations and Conflict & Peace Studies at Staffordshire University for twenty-five years. A study of John Burton's work, The Genealogy of Provention is forthcoming. Currently he is writing a survey of Fifty Years of Peace Research.

Christopher Mitchell holds the Drucie French Cumbie Chair of Conflict Resolution and International Relations at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, Virginia. He is the author of The Structure of International Conflict (1981), Peacemaking and the Consultant's Role (1981), A Handbook of Conflict Resolution (with Michael Banks, 1996) and most recently Gestures of Conciliation (2000). He was one of the original members of John Burton's Centre for the Analysis of Conflict at University College, London.

Richard E. Rubenstein is Professor of Conflict Resolution and Public Affairs at George Mason University. He is a member of core faculty and former Director of the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution there. His most recent books are Comrade Valentine (1994) and When Jesus Became God; The Struggle to Define Christianity in the Last Days of Rome (1999).

Dennis Sandole is Professor of Conflict Resolution and International Relations at George Mason University. As a founding member of the conflict resolution program at GMU, he worked closely with Bryant Wedge, the (then) Center's first Director, as well as with John Burton in England and at George Mason University. He has been a William C. Foster Fellow with the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and has been a NATO Research Fellow and most recently a Fulbright Scholar. His most recent publications include Conflict Management and Problem Solving (1987), Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice (1993), and Capturing the Complexity of Conflict (1999).

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