Jacob Bercovitch is Professor of International Relations at the University of Canterbury, in Christchurch, New Zealand. He has published widely in international conflict management. His most recent book is Studies in International Mediation.
Patrick Regan is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Binghamton University, New York. His new book on Outside Interventions and the Settlement of International Conflict will be published next year by The University of Michigan Press.
Chadwick F. Alger is Mershon Professor at the Ohio State University, US. He served as both President of the International Studies Association and Secretary General of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA). His articles and books on peace research, the UN, grassroots movements, and nongovernmental organizations have been widely cited over the last several decades.
Elizabeth R. DeSombre is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies and Government at Colby College. During the academic year 1998-99 she is a visiting scholar at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and Harvard University. Her research has focused on the process of encouraging international environmental cooperation, and on the use of economic sanctions and economic aid for achieving environmental goals.
Surya P. Subedi is a Senior Lecturer in International Law at the University of Hull, England. He also has taught International Law in The Hague, the Netherlands, and in Sweden. He has authored three books and a good number of articles in many national and international law journals, including Land and Maritime Zones of Peace in International Law (1996). His recent papers have been published in such journals as European Human Rights Law and Review of Environmental Policy and Law (1998).
Daniel Druckman is Professor of Conflict Resolution at George Masons Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. He has published widely on such topics as international negotiation, nationalism, peacekeeping, nonverbal communication, political stability, and simulation methodologies. He received the 1995 Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Award for his work on nationalism and was a recipient of the 1998 excellence in teaching award from George Mason University.
Paul Stern is a study director at the U.S. National Academy of Sciences where he currently directs the Committee on International Conflict Resolution. He has published widely in the areas of international conflict resolution, the human dimensions of global change, and research methodology. Recently he co-edited Perspectives on Nationalism and War (Gordon and Breach, 1995) and authored a score of articles on social attitudes on environmental issues.
Munakata Takayuki (Taiwanese Name, Song Tiongjong) has held prominent roles in World United Formosans for Independence. He has written extensively on human rights and the Taiwanese independent movement.
JosRamos-Horta has organised nonviolent struggles against the Indonesian government which onslaughted over 200,000 East Timorese between 1976 and 1981. He has spent the last 22 years denouncing the illegal invasion and annexation of his homeland by Indonesia, always defending the right of the East Timorese people to self-determination. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo together with Bishop Belo in 1996.