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Tarja Väyrynen is a research fellow at Tampere Peace Research Institute. She gained her doctorate at the University of Kent, England. Her current research interests include conflict resolution in dialogical communities and the construction of ethnicity in the late-modern world

Marc Williams is Director of the Graduate Centre for the Comparative Study of Culture, Development and the Environment (CDE) and Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the School of African and Asian Studies, University of Sussex. He is the author of International Relations in the Twentieth Century: A Reader (editor), Third World Cooperation, and International Economic Organisations and the Third World. His current research areas include international economic organisations and the environmental social movement, Africa and globalisation, and contemporary international relations theory.

Jennifer Jackson Preece is Lecturer in European Nationalism at the European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science. She has published widely on nationalism, minority rights and ethnic conflict. A book entitled National Minorities and the European Nation-States System is forthcoming with Oxford University Press.

Maria Stern-Pettersson is a Ph.D candidate at Department for Peace and Development Research, Gothenburg University, Sweden. She is completing her doctoral dissertation on in/security and identity among Mayan women in Guatemala.

Luc Reychler received his PhD from Harvard in 1976 and is presently Professor of International Relations and Peace Research at the University of Leuven, Belgium. He is Director of the Centre for Peace Research, University of Lueven, Belgium, and the Convener of the Commission on Conflict Resolution and Peace Building for the International Peace Research Association. He is also the author of many books and articles on conflict prevention and has been asked by the OSCE to develop reports on democratic transition and peace building.

Clovis Brigagão is associated with the Centro de Estudos Norte-Americanos, Conjunto
Universitario Candido Mendes, Brazil. He is a former Secretary General of the International Peace Research Association.

Marcelo F. Valle Fonrouge is a lawyer, diplomat, General Consulate of Argentina in Rio de Janeiro, and Director of the Instituto Cultural Brazil-Argentina. He is an expert on disarmament and arms control issues.

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