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Hanne-Margaret Birckenbach is a scholar of sociology, political science and peace research. She is assistant professor at the Schleswig-Holstein Institute for Peace Research (SHIP) at the University of Kiel, Germany, and Privatdozentin at the University of Bielefeld.

Thomas J. Johnson was van der Merwe's Research Assistant at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington, DC in 1993-94.

Chris Leeds is a senior lecturer at University of Nancy 2, France. He is a specialist in Anglo-American and crosscultural studies and has numerous publications on culture, negotiation, and conflict resolution. Dr. Leeds is the author of Peace and War (Stanley Thornes, 1987).

Peri Pamir has worked most recently for the Association of European Universities (CRE) based in Geneva, and before that, for Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. She was a MacArthur Fellow and a Visiting Scholar at Princeton University. She holds degrees from the Universities of London, Chicago and Geneva.

Rodolfo Ragionieri earned a degree in Physics at the University of Florence in 1977. He has been Assistant Professor at the same university since 1980 and is now in the Department of Political Science. His areas of research include security and conflicts in Europe and the Middle East, and formal theories of international relations.

Affan Seljuq earned an MA in Islamic History from Karachi University and a PhD in History from Teheran University. He is presently Chairman of Humanities and Director of Student Affairs at NED University, Karachi. He is the author of more than 70 research papers and articles and recipient of the UN Peace Messenger Award of 1987.

Hendrick W. van der Merwe retired in 1994 after three decades with the Centre for Conflict Resolution (formerly Centre for Intergroup Studies) at the University of Cape Town, where he pioneered conflict and peace studies and mediated between conflicting and warring parties.

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