Laureen Park is an Assistant Professor at the New York City College of Technology of CUNY. She has a few published articles, including a paper on Edmund Burke’s notion of the sublime. She is working on a book that looks at the conflicting approaches of Hegel and Freud to show they share structural foundations that underlie them both. She presented a paper on Freud last summer at the World Congress of Philosophy. Her current piece on critical theory, psychoanalysis, and conflict, included the participation in an inter-disciplinary CUNY fellowship (spring 2009), and a paper presentation on Marcuse and conflict at “Images of a Demystified World: Critical Theory” (a conference in Rome, May 2009). She also participated in the Gender Equity Project at Hunter College (fall 2009).
Namsuk Kim is a policy specialist at the Office of Development Studies, UNDP. His research areas include poverty, labor and private sector development issues using micro level data. Previously, he was a researcher for the World Bank, where he was responsible for drafting policy research papers on poverty and inequality, and also managed capacity building programs in the Caribbean countries. He was a researcher at U.S. Bureau of Census in 2001-2003.
Pedro Conceição is the director of the Office of Development Studies, UNDP. He has been working on identifying the possible impact of the global economic crisis on developing countries. He has also worked recently on the food crisis, on climate change and development, and on the evolution of income distribution across and within countries. Earlier co-edited books on financing for development and on global public goods include The New Public Finance: Responding to Global Challenges and Providing Global Public Goods: Managing Globalization. He has published, amongst others journals, in the Review of Development Economics, Eastern Economic Journal, Ecological Economics, and Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Previously, he was an assistant professor at the Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, teaching and researching on science, technology and innovation policy.
Ankica Kosic is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Rome “La Sapienza”. From 2006 to 2008, she was a Senior Marie Curie Research Fellow at the European Research, Kingston University in the United Kingdom. She has worked as a Research Fellow at European University Institute in Italy, where she was involved in a number of large-scale research projects. Her research interest concerns the issues of immigrant integration, intergroup relationships, stereotypes and prejudice, and the process of reconciliation in post-conflict areas. She has published several articles in Italian and international journals, and book chapters.
Charles David Tauber has been Head of Mission for Southeast Europe of the Coalition for Work with Psychotrauma and Peace (CWWPP) since June, 1995 and has lived and worked in Vukovar, Croatia since that time. The CWWPP is a Dutch-based non-governmental non-profit organization working on issues of post-war psychological trauma, non-violent conflict transformation and civil society. The CWWPP carries out treatment, teaching to lay persons and professionals and research (see www.cwwpp.org). He is also a member of InterChange, a group of Peace Studies field professionals from North America, Europe and Africa based at the Transitional Learning Center of the University of Toronto. His research interests include identity in post-war situations, optimal treatment for torture victims, practical models for long-term work in areas undergoing regeneration and coping mechanisms in pre-, intra- and post-war situations. He is particularly interested in work with former soldiers and youth and in prevention of transmission of trauma.
Andrea Warnecke is a senior researcher at the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Germany. In her present work, she focuses on the repercussions of international migration on development and conflict resolution in sub-Saharan African states, and on the formation of transnational diaspora networks. In addition, she has recently concluded a research project on the contribution of development actors to UN peacekeeping operations.
Volker C. Franke is Associate Professor of Conflict Management at Kennesaw State University. He is the author of Preparing for Peace: Military Identity, Value-Orientations, and Professional Military Education and numerous journal articles on peace and security studies, civil-military relations, social identity, and military socialization.