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William J. Long is Professor and Chair in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research focuses on international political economy (trade and technology transfer) and theories of international cooperation and conflict resolution. He is the author of three books: War and Reconciliation: Reason and Emotion in Conflict Resolution with Peter Brecke (2003); Economic Incentives and Bilateral Cooperation (1996); and U.S. Export Control Policy (1989), and numerous articles and book chapters. He is the recipient of research and teaching awards and grants from the Hewlett, Pew, MacArthur, Sloan, Carnegie, and Hitachi Foundations, the Fulbright Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the U.S. Department of Education, the European Union, and the Georgia Board of Regents. Before entering academia, he practiced international law in Washington, D.C.


Christine J. Wade is Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Studies at Washington College. She is the co-author of Understanding Central America: Global Forces, Rebellion and Change (2005) and A Revolução Salvadorenha (2006). She is currently working on a manuscript on post war politics in El Salvador.


Julia Chaitin is currently a Senior Lecturer in the department of Social Work at the Sapir College in Israel and on staff at the Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Development (NISPED). Her research has three main foci: (1) the long–term psychosocial impact of the Holocaust on survivors and their families and on young adults; (2) joint Palestinian–Israeli psychosocial research and (3) issues of ethnic belonging and identity among refugee/immigrant populations. She specializes in qualitative research, basing her work on narrative research, ethnography, storytelling and inter–group facilitation. She has published extensively in these fields. In 2001–2002, Chaitin held the Lentz Post Doctoral Fellowship in Peace and Conflict Resolution Research at the University of Missouri, St. Louis; from 2003–2006, she was Assistant Professor of Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies at Nova Southeastern University in Florida.


Kim D. Reimann is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Georgia State University. Her research interests include NGOs, transnational social movements, global environmental politics and governance, Japanese politics and political economy, political economy and international relations of East Asia, and the nonprofit sector from a comparative perspective.


John Grundy is currently regional coordinator for the Mekong public health program with the University of Melbourne, and is based in Cambodia. His background is in remote area community health in Australia and he has been a project manager for health development projects in the Asian region (in Cambodia, the Philippines, North Korea, Myanmar and Malaysia). He has published articles on the subject of health management in the Asian region as well as on the subjects of health promotion and primary health care research.


Beverley-Ann Biggs heads the International and Immigrant Health Research Group at Melbourne University and is a consultant Infectious Diseases Physician at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. She is Program Director for the Mekong Immunisation Initiative and Principal Investigator for several other projects and provides advice and services to AusAID periodically. Her special interests are in immunization, parasitic disease and international health.


Peter Annear is an Associate of RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, and a researcher with the RMIT Globalism Institute. He teaches development studies and international health and is currently a full-time researcher with WHO and AusAID studying issues related to health and poverty in Cambodia. He has worked in the South East Asian region as a researcher and consultant with a number of international agencies over the past 15 years. He is a member of the Academic Board of the Master of Development Studies degree at the Royal University of Phnom Penh and works closely with the Ministry of Health in Cambodia, Laos and elsewhere.


Seema Mihrshahi is a Research Fellow with the International and Immigrant Health Group at the Department of Medicine, Melbourne University. She has a background in public health, epidemiology and disease prevention and has worked in the field of asthma prevention for 8 years. She has also worked in Thailand and Bangladesh on development projects involving monitoring and prevention of nutritional deficiencies and promotion of appropriate infant feeding. Her interests are in measuring the health status of women and children in developing countries and designing interventions to improve health and wellbeing in these populations.


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