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Chadwick F. Alger is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Ohio State University. Among his many significant scholarly contributions are The United Nations system (2006), The Future of the United Nations System: Potential for the Twenty-first Century (1998), and A Just Peace through Transformation (1988). He has been President of the International Studies Association, the International Peace Research Association, and the Consortium for Peace Research, Education and Development.

Volker Franke is Director of Research at the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC) in Bonn, Germany. He is the editor of Terrorism and Peacekeeping (2005) and Security in a Changing World (2002) as well as the author of numerous journal articles on social identity, peace and security studies and military socialization.


Willemijn Verkoren works at the University of Amsterdam’s International School for Humanities and Social Sciences as well as a freelance researcher and lecturer. Her publications include a co-edited book Postconflict Development: Meeting New Challenges (2004).


Frederic S. Pearson is Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies at Wayne State University.  His interest and research is in the fields of international military intervention, arms transfer effects on civil and international wars, and ethnic conflict analysis.


Scott Walker is Lecturer in the School of Political Science and Communication at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand.  His research includes investigating the determinants of human rights violations, causes of success in settlements to intrastate conflict and the impact of United States military intervention on prospects for democratisation. 


Stephanie Rose Stern currently studies education policy, nonprofit management and grassroots community building through her occupation as a Director of Projects for a national nonprofit that works within Detroit Public Schools. 


Earl Conteh-Morgan is Professor of International Studies at the University of South Florida. His most recent book is Collective Political Violence (2003), and he currently works on a project examining the interface between globalization, human security, and peacebuilding in failed states.


Abdu'l-Aziz Said founded and serves as director of American University’s International Peace and Conflict Resolution Division in the School of International Service, and is also the director of the Center for Global Peace at American University. He was advisor to the Democratic Principles Working Group of the United States Department of State’s “Future of Iraq Project.” 


Charles O. Lerche is the Associate Director of the M.A. in Diplomacy program at Norwich University (Vermont). In addition to many academic journal articles, he has co-authored Concepts of International Politics in Global Perspective and edited two volumes of essays on world order studies.


Nathan C. Funk is Assistant Professor in Peace and Conflict Studies at Conrad Grebel University College.  His books on the role of cultural and religious factors in peacemaking include Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam (2001) and Ameen Rihani: Bridging East and West (2004). 

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