Luc Reychler is Professor of International Relations at the University of Leuven and the Director of its Center for Peace Research and Strategic Studies (CPRS). His research activities are focused on sustainable peace building architecture, peace and conflict impact assessment systems (PCIAS) and peace building leadership. Recent publications include: Democratic Peace Building: The Devil is in the Transition, Peace Building: A Field Guide, Construire la paix sur le terrain (Building Peace in the Field), Le défi de la paix au Burundi: Théorie et Pratique (The Challenge of Peace in Burundi: Theory and Practice), De volgende genocide (The Next Genocide), and Aid for Peace. In 2004 he was elected Secretary General of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA).
David Chandler is Professor in International Relations, Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster. His recent books include Constructing Global Civil Society: Morality and Power in International Relations (2005), From Kosovo to Kabul and Beyond: Human Rights and International Intervention (2006) and Peace without Politics: Ten Years of State-Building in Bosnia (editor, 2005).
Lorna McGregoris a Programme Lawyer on the International Criminal Court at the Human Rights Institute of the International Bar Association. She is also the principle researcher and coordinator on the Children and Transitional Justice Project at the International Centre for Ethnic Studies (Sri Lanka) in partnership with UNICEF and Save the Children in Sri Lanka and was previously the Coordinator of the Sri Lanka Transitional Justice Working Group as a Henigson Fellow of the Harvard Human Rights Program. Previously published articles have appeared in journals such as the American Journal of International Law and Contemporary Justice Review.
Charles V. Blatzis Professor of Philosophy and Associate Director of the Humanities Institute at The University of Toledo. His areas of research specialization include critical reasoning, ethics and social philosophy (with applications to the environment, to agriculture, and to international development). He is currently working on a third book provisionally titled, Ethics, Community, and Sustainability: An Investigation of Responsible Agency. He developed and directed an NEH funded collaborative project devoted to critical thinking in Wyoming’s secondary schools. Also he co-developed and co-directs an ongoing project originally funded by NEH and devoted to secondary education humanities curriculum renewal in the Toledo area.
Theresa Der-lan Yehis Associate Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Research Fellow of Women's Studies Program at the National Taiwan University, Taiwan.