McCain Murderer? Johnny Mac, A Mobster?

McCain IS NOT, AS ONE MIGHT THINK, A STRANGE FISH, OR SOME KIND OF POPULIST PURE HEARTED GUY. HE IS, INSTEAD, A COLD BLOODED, WOUNDED ANIMAL THIRSTING FOR REVENGE. True, the details are complex, like they are in all villains. Who totally understands Richard Speck or Timothy McVeigh, or any other of the “destroyers?” Stalin or Hitler types are strange birds and fascinating to watch and for many fascinating to follow. And that is right where they are most dangerous. They thirst for power, and how they use it is almost immaterial when viewed from a historical perspective. They are rule or ruin guys.


McCain’s candidacy is a narrow escape for America and we are not free of his tentacles yet. Believe it, here will be more like him. They are lining up. And, Pat Buchanan is another. The story of McCain’s campaign that crashed and burned in good old (faithful to the GOP) South Carolina, and in good old, (increasingly Hispanic-Republican) California) gives the nation some breathing space, but not much.


Therefore, McCain’s political obituary is worthwhile studying, for what it is worth, because whether he continues to dog our heels, or whether more Wacko look-alikes emerge, we need to be prepared for the worst. Clinton is bad enough. His presidency has been like a long black nightmare dream. He was the worst the Democrats could come up with to tear down the Republic. But wait till you see what the people who hate America, and all she stands for, are cooking up inside the Republican Party. The Party is currently being overrun with Wackos with a wacky agendas that will put Gordon Liddy to shame.


The Wacko “G” man almost destroyed the Republican Party and did bring down a Republican president and his administration, a good quaker by the name of Richard Milhous Nixon. The problem with these totalitarian Wackos is a lot of what they say we all believe in. Hitler was able to clearly articulate the frustrations of the German people and these Kooks are able to articulate the frustrations of our present society. Totalitarian Wackos are skilled at tapping into the people’s deepest disappointments and longings for a better world. Hitler, Mussolini, Buchanan and McCain are good at this sort of thing. That makes them doubly dangerous.


The dirt on McCain is deep, and like all dirt it likes to hide. Evidence of that dirt, like all evidence is relative, circumstantial, partial, and hard to support. Don’t ever expect complete proof of any allegation, but on the other hand don’t think that a lot allegations are probably not true. Almost all allegations have at least some shred of truth, no matter who makes them or how unsubstantiated they are. We must pick our way carefully through the minefields of charges, separating as best we can, fact from fancy.


McCain is accused of all kinds of things and alone that leads to some concern that some of them just might be true or that all of them represent some truth. He is accused of disloyalty to his first wife, to his country in the Red Chinese prison; to the Republican Party in the way he conducted his campaign against George W. Bush, to the United States Senators among whom he serves and among whom he is hated, to his fellow veterans and the POW-MIA’s, to his God and his church, to conservatism that he professes to believe in, to Ronald Reagan and his memory, the pro-life cause he professed to believe in, and to the public that he has deceived with his hypocritical tripe.  


Now he is accused of complicity in murder and connections to mobsters. The Arizona Republic Newspaper, the main newspaper in the state of Arizona ran a story that McCain is alleged to have been involved in the strange unsolved murder of a newspaperman, Ron Bianchi, who researched and wrote an article that ran in the tabloid Star, alleging just those things. It all has something to do with McCain’s “dating” of Connie Stevens. He admits he was seeing her but not “dating” her. So much for his “Straight Talk Express” defense. It sounds like Clinton parsing what “is” “is”.


It’s just that when people that criticize McCain start turning up dead, one thinks immediately of Bill Clinton and the long list of people who criticized him, later “turned up dead”. This sort of thing is very unusual involving the presidency, and it is only a very few presidents or presidential candidates who have ever been, even by rumor, associated with murder. Jefferson, interestingly enough, is one of those very few.


It is not beyond belief that presidents can find people willing to kill for them, but it is very unusual for a president or a candidate for that office to condone, or encourage in any way, this sort of thing. It would have to be a man of very low character, and, sad to say, the two Jeffersons, Thomas and William fit that bill. To them, McCain could well be added. Of course proof of this sort of thing is hard, or next to impossible, to come by, and so these allegations on these men remain in the murky area of “unproven.”


It would seem up to these men themselves to so position themselves, character-wise that they would not give rise to these kinds of rumors. Most all other presidential candidates and presidents have handled this without a problem. One simply can’t imagine most of them even entertaining such thoughts, much less carrying them out. The very idea of these honorable men stooping so low is almost beyond contemplation. But there are a few so power-mad that it becomes imaginable they would do anything to gain and hold onto that power. Statistically, out of 40 some odd presidents and maybe three or four times that number of contenders there has to be some really bad men slip in. It was so in Rome where most of the leaders were men of good conscience, but where a few gave a bad name to the many. How could it be different in American chief executives. There are villains in the lot, though it is not popular to point them out.


Then there is Rupert Murdoch of Fox News and owner of the NY Post who was a McCain supporter. What is his game, and what are his motivations? And who is he anyway? And what are his religious interests? He made a promise to the McCain campaign not to pick up and run the Star and Arizona Republic story, and none of the other major papers or networks touched it. It seems they have endless space for all kinds of trivial garbage, but when a presidential candidate is accused of murder and connections to mobsters to further his career, they are not interested even in researching it. Jack Kennedy’s consorting and dealing with Mafiosos was never mentioned in the “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” Media.


One wonders about the Media having a double standard where their pets can do no wrong and those on their enemies list can do no good. Let’s face it the Media has been hijacked by an informal conspiracy and has little regard for truth, viewing itself as a political activist organization with an axe to grind on every subject. If you want to be hired and promoted you better toe the mark drawn in the sand by Media. No they don’t necessarily have regular planned meetings with an identifiable agenda, to plan all this in so many words, but they get the mind-control job done, informally, by creating a corporate culture that is very rigid in its do’s and don’ts.


The strange cast of characters around McCain gets stranger the more it is explored. His senior campaign strategist is a shadowy character named Mike Murphy, an Irish Catholic who helped John Engler and Jeb Bush, both Catholics, become governors, respectively, of Michigan and Florida. And it was in Engler’s Michigan that Bush struck out. It became the test battle ground for playing the bigoted religious card in this daring gamble to steal the presidency.


The Catholic extremist propaganda machine was cranked up to full power in Michigan where Murphy pulled out all the stops in one last reckless throw of the dice. If some sort of a religious was could be ignited in Michigan, it just might allow McCain to topple the, nominally, Protestant Republican establishment, and vault “their” man, McCain, into the White House.


In any case Governor Engler could do nothing but support Bush, publicly, Protestant or no, which he did in a failed manner that might be questioned, in that it left him open to the charge that he performed his services in such a way that it, in fact, sealed a McCain victory. He allowed the Catholic card to be played in his state without pulling out all the stops necessary to counter it. Somehow he didn’t give it the total ignominious burial at his hands that it should have gotten. It was “a missed opportunity” much as Bush was to say, when he failed to speak out specifically against the teaching at Bob Jones University that calls Catholicism a cult and forbids its students to interracially date.


Again, in politics it is often hard to tell who your “real” friends are. Sometimes you enemies are less dangerous. We’ll never know about how Engler actually played his hand, versus how he should have, unless we take apart the Michigan primary piece by piece and reconstruct the crash of the Bush campaign there, like the FAA does when a plane goes down, and that could take forever.


Brother Jeb, sort of, verbally, winked at Mike Murphy and said words to the effect that, “I’ll just have to fire you, after all, George is my brother. It’s my brother, Mike, what the hell can I do?” Murphy, one imagines, sort of laughed, and said, “Ok.” Murphy had been given a lucrative Republican Party contract by Jeb Bush, to virtually run the Republican Party in Florida, and he gladly threw the money away, and for what? Something is involved more important than money, or even perhaps, life itself. One can only speculate that it was to put a man in the White House that certain people could control. And who were these people?


One of them was the Monsignor that runs Jesuit, Santa Clara University, in Santa Clara, California, in the heart of Silicon Valley. ‘The blistering bitterness and religious bigotry displayed by this cleric when he introduced McCain at a packed school auditorium on the eve of the California Primary was revealing. Talk about starting a religious war, this Jesuit priest virtually called for it as he beat up on Bob Jones University as a scapegoat for all Protestants generally. Attacks such as this one on Bob Jones University are code word attacks on Protestants, Jews, and other believers and unbelievers of all stripes and persuasions.


We would hope we still live in a country where religious preferences and other preferences, unless specifically outlawed, are allowed and even encouraged. Do we want to start bigoted attacks on Jewish Yeshiva’s because they consider Christ a fraud, or on Jesuit Schools because the believe Protestantism is heresy, and on and on. If we don’t want to start, massive religious guerilla warfare in America, then we better lay off of places like Bob Jones University. The Catholic Church should be defending Bob Jones University’s right to teach whatever they want, just as the Catholic schools want the same right. What is sauce for the Goose becomes, sooner or later, willy-nilly, sauce for the gander, or in biblical terms where it is stated best, “Judge not lest ye be judged.”


The house of religious tolerance we have built here in America over many centuries with great difficulty doesn’t need to be sent crashing to the ground by some Catholic, or any other kind of, “Wackos.” The Catholic Church should denounce these kinds of religious extremists out of hand. Had the shoe been on the other foot and some Protestant leaning presidential candidate went to a Protestant University and made attacks on Catholic teachings at Catholic Schools what kind of scandal would that be?


We have and continue to want to have a competition between all religions and an exclusion of religion as much as possible from political campaigns. It is going to be there anyway, and probably properly should be there, but it is in no one’s interest to fan the flames of religious bigotry as was done by those denying Bob Jones University the right to consider Roman Catholicism to be a cult, or to have such rules for it students as it sees fit regarding their dating habits, racial or otherwise.


Once we start down the slippery slope of condemning religious differences, during national political campaigns, we end up where none of us want to be, namely, at each other’s throats. The fact is, it was, face it, reckless “Wacko” Roman Catholics around John McCain that drove him to drag the dead stinking cat of religious differences into the middle of the living-room rug of our nation during a social gathering of our people, which our election substantially are. Thank God the electorate trounced such a man with such advisors. Let’s don’t let it happen again, under any circumstances.


The McCain plot thickens. You have to get the flavor of the wild, reckless, violent, totalitarian-spirited nature of this campaign and its staff. Mike Murphy at one point took a bayonet and rammed it through the center of a map of Iowa, (where all the Protestants live?) on the occasion when McCain agreed with him on his strategy of ignoring Iowa.


And do we have a weird case of a Jeb Roman Catholic “Cain,” against his brother George Protestant Born Again “Abel”? The story of Jeb Bush is an interesting one, involving a change of geography, and religion, and marriage to a Hispanic wife, all, it is said, to get away from his family. Sibling rivalry run-on, fine, of course, as long as it benefits America and good causes, but not so fine if it is used by the enemies of freedom. We are a hopeful, trusting, tolerant, and forgiving, people, but also, hopefully, a watchful, vigilant and verifying people as well.


Jay Leno, the Catholic (“alter-opponent” of Jewish, read Protestant, Dave Letterman,) was an informal member of the McCain campaign staff, regularly calling in personally with jokes for McCain to use to deflect Bush attacks. Coincidence, you say? Maybe, but don’t count on it. The debate in New Hampshire was moderated by, who else, Cokie Roberts, another Catholic whose mother was even ambassador to the Vatican.


A final note: Does anyone notice the uncanny resemblance of McCain to Charlie Chaplin when he was older and out of his clown suit? And the temperamental Chaplin, long a darling of the leftist press fits as well. These two are matched bookends. This McCain is a piece of work.


Freedom requires eternal vigilance, and finally benefits us all, regardless of our political and religious inclinations. It is in that spirit that these comments are made. There are dark totalitarian tendencies and people willing to pursue them. They are always with us, but we are always with them. These totalitarians come in all religious and political garb and should be rejected and rebuked by their own religious and political associates, not leaving them to be dealt with by others. We only have our constitutional guarantees that set us apart from the police state and the lynch mob, and we must protect those guarantees.